Williamsburg, 2017 |
So! Here we are in 2017 already.
Part of the reason I haven't been posting much of late is that we've had a few big changes brewing on the home front. It feels strange to post and not mention the thing that's been consuming all of your mental energy. But now I can actually that this spring, our family of five is moving to Los Angeles.
There are so many reasons why this makes sense for us right now, but I'm still stunned that this is truly happening in less than three months. I genuinely thought I was a New Yorker for life. But then we found ourselves with three boys under the age of four, and Axel on the cusp of kindergarten, which is in and of itself a huge leap into uncertainty that comes with a lot of decisions to be made.
And over the
summer in Maine something was percolating in me as I saw the boys running barefoot on the beach, outside all day, rarely still. We love New York so much, and yet it will be a looong few years before the fellas are quite ready for meandering trips to the Met. This weekend, the snow was gorgeous, but it was
seventeen degrees on Sunday. Sunnier climes beckon.
It's strange, wonderful, bittersweet. I miss Brooklyn already. During the latest snow storm, I looked out of my window and felt like I was in a snow globe. This is the only grown up home Will and I have ever known. And it's been
a remarkable place to start our family. But I'm excited for what's to come too.
As for this space, I have a feeling it will make its way to a natural conclusion. Not now, but perhaps in the coming months. And, if you're curious about our newest adventures, I will of course let you all know how I will be recording our life out west, whether it's on another blog, on Instagram or via whatever new fangled technology the kids are using these days.