A good second...Maldives, 2007 |
I'm a big fan of Tracy Moore's Jezebel column, Motherload, so I don't know how I missed this piece last week:
"For How Many Seconds, Exactly, Can You Leave Your Baby Alone?"
Moore describes an e-mail about motherhood she received from a friend while she was pregnant. The new mother described, essentially, not having a second to herself to so much as shower (without her husband watching the baby.)
Initially scoffing at the idea of not being able to shower, Moore and her husband sat around expressing their disbelief: "It's not, like EVERY SECOND. I mean, like, it IS, right? But you know, you can still like, DO STUFF for, like, a SECOND, right?"
Fast forward several years from that day, and Moore now writes: "I can say with unassailable authority that many inexperienced parents (ahem, me) find they are probably not really prepared for exactly how many seconds of their time a baby takes up in the first few years of its life. The answer is all of them. It takes up all of the seconds."
All of the seconds.
I am not going to fall into the trap of saying this can't possibly be the case.
A dustup ensued in the comments on Moore's piece when one woman dared to ask if it wasn't possible to shower while the baby was in a playpen. "Dude, remember the '80's. When a lot of us grew up? I was the oldest of five children, and from what I recall my parents had WAY more seconds to themselves [than parents say they have now,]" she wrote.
She was immediately pronounced naive. So...not going that route.
But this isn't the first time Moore has touched on this subject in a way that leaves me a little perplexed. In another
recent essay, she describes how she can't go to the bathroom without her toddler daughter insisting on sitting on her lap. On the toilet.
Really? The toddler can't wait outside the door for the 30 seconds it might take?
So instead of getting philosophical, I am getting practical...I ask the mothers out there a few logistical questions. Help!!!
1) Don't kids nap?
2) Why can't you leave the baby in a crib/playpen/bouncy thing and shower? Why is it that new mothers seem unable to shower? Is this for real? What's the shower thing all about? I mean, aside from the general exhaustion and the fact that you may feel uneasy showering with a baby screeching in another room?
3) A Brooklyn friend once told me that she wouldn't sit on her stoop (one flight down from her apartment) with a baby monitor and a glass of wine, even if the baby was asleep. She didn't feel comfortable doing so, and that's fine. But I ask (forget the wine): how is this different from being on another floor of a house with the monitor? Can't I sit on the stoop? Or am I some kind of CPS nightmare in the making?
4) Is some of this "no seconds" conversation down to the fact that moms are now more confessional, sometimes to the point of hyperbole? Can a baby really not amuse himself in a bouncy chair or on the floor for 10 minutes while you send some emails?
I hope you will shed some light on the above for me (without giving me nightmares.)