Wednesday, August 13, 2014

11211 Love (and Lament)

Williamsburg, 2014

While we've been away, a number of Williamsburg institutions have been dropping like flies.

First came The Verb, then Kings Pharmacy, and now it's Brooklyn Ale House.

In their wake comes news of J. Crew's arrival, in a piece that describes the neighborhood as 'an upscale shopping and dining destination.' I suppose it is now. 

There's a shmancy new sushi place frequented by Scarlett Johansson (Cherry Izakaya), and The Chocolate House by Mast Brothers, serving cold brew chocolate, whatever that is. Diesel is coming and possibly a Shake Shack...and then there are little travel posts like this one, a near constant reminder that cool-seeking tourists are here.

Of course, I could wax nostalgic about the good old days of 2001, when North 11th Street was full of chop shops and broken glass and the waterfront was a wasteland, but as a regular shopper at Depanneur and owner of a ginormous double stroller, I should probably just be quiet. 

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