Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy News

Spring, 2013

It's time to let the cat out of the bag.

Will and I are expecting baby number two this February; thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we found out today that it's another little BOY!

Because I am now an "elderly" 35 (no kidding, that's the medical terminology), we were eligible to take the Maternity 21 test in addition to the regular nuchal scan early last week. The nuchal results, which were low risk, we found out immediately. But today we got the call that all was well and Axel will soon have a little brother.

I am just past twelve weeks and kind of stunned at how quickly the first trimester has gone. Pregnancy seemed to go by at a glacial pace the first time around. But this summer, between work, and our adventures in France and lots of weekends away and milestones like Axel's first birthday, it all feels kind of...blink and you'll miss it.

We found out the week before we left on our French holiday, and I will confess I had a moment of mourning for all the runny cheeses and D.O.C. wines I didn't get to drink. But it did make the trip all the more special knowing that it really was our Axelmoon, our first trip just the three of us and likely our last big international trip before we become a family of four.

A few friends have asked me if I feel differently this time around. Maybe a little more nauseous? I've certainly been tired, and while I've snuck off for my share of weekend naps over the past few months, it's been a perfect excuse to be in bed by ten (something I needed to do more of to keep up with Axel's schedule too.)

My tiredness is also probably why posting has been scant this summer. I've felt a little vague and hapless; sometimes remembering words (or where I put my phone or to charge my laptop) is about as much as I can tackle.

So our little guys will be 18 months apart. Some of the reactions we've gotten have ranged from "You're brave!" to "Already?" to "On purpose?" The answers are that or foolhardy maybe, yup, and yes.

We feel so lucky to have Axel and can't believe that come this time next year, there will be another little one crawling about.


  1. Congratulations!! I just stumbled on your blog last week looking for North Brooklyn baby resources. I'm due with my first (a girl!) in late January and, like you, I am "an elderly" 35. My younger sister and I are 19 months apart and it was great growing up with a little sidekick who was old enough to participate in my wacky imaginary scenarios.


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