Monday, September 10, 2012

Five Weeks Old: Baby Jail

Axel, 2012

After a loooong night last night, Axel and I ventured into Manhattan today for my 6 week postpartum check up (which happened a week early.) He did great in the baby carrier and slept every time we got on the subway. I got the all clear to work out and have my first Baby Boot Camp class tomorrow.

After a little walking tour of Soho, we went to visit Will at work where baby A. got plenty of attention.

The afternoon was all about Baby Jail, aka, getting used to his new room and crib. Though we plan on keeping Axel in our room for the foreseeable future, I am hoping to get him used to napping in his room so the transition, and, er, sleep training, is easier down the line.

Williamsburg, 2012

Other than that, he's getting more and more demanding of attention, which means lots of interaction and fewer returned phone calls. I got a big smile today though, which made it all worthwhile.

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